Storage and distribution of products

Storage of medicines and health products. Our storage and conservation methods are all in accordance with the regulations in force and guarantee the highest quality standards. The installed temperature monitoring systems are all in compliance with CRF21 part 11, GAMP 5, annex 11 GMP and guarantee continuous recording, also managing the sending of pre-alarms and alarms. The monitoring tools are appropriately controlled and positioned at critical points, as suggested by the outcome of the mappings conducted in the different environments.

The four platforms of Cambiago, Grezzago and Pozzuoli have 53,000 pallet spaces of which over 1,700 are refrigerated, pallet spaces dedicated to narcotics, storage spaces for active ingredients (API), veterinary and food products.
There are also areas dedicated to the custody of the product returned from the market and areas intended for the management of the goods that need to be controlled.
The structures, authorized for the type of goods stored, are air-conditioned with the possibility of different temperature ranges:

  • cells 2/8° C
  • cells -20° C
  • Remaining spaces at 15/25° C

With radiofrequency technology, we monitor all the sampling steps and operate different set-up methods according to the needs requested by our customers.

Distribution is managed by qualified and certified transporters that we periodically inspect following the supplier qualification procedures.